Wow, is it just me or has 2014 been flying past us? It seems like the year just started and already Mother's day is just around the corner.
I should apologize for not posting anything to blog in the last month, between running daily operations of POJ and sorting all the new Hong Kong treasures, it seems there is just not enough time in the day. On top of all my work related duties, I now have a wedding to plan(Alana & I got engaged right after HK, in Indonesia!).
But enough chit chat, I know everybody wants to see what I've been cooking up in the "pearl kitchen". The plan is to release the first batch of product on Monday, May 5th and throughout the month of May I'll release more items as they become available.
One of the best finds of the show were these amazing natural color Akoya pearls. I found some beautiful Japanese strands with strong color, thick nacre and even one round strand that I believe could easily pass "Madama" certification.
As well I found a nice collection of ultra rare Vietnamese Akoya pearls. We spoke with owner of the booth and he told us he's had these strands in a vault for the last 6 years, to ensure the color wouldn't fade. That sort of commitment to quality, is something very special indeed.
In Sept. 2013 I
spent hours pouring over freshwater drops, cherry picking out only metallic pairs. It was a ton of work, but even the staff running the booth were taking pictures of the pairs. This year when I returned to the same booth, they had a tub of metallic drops already put aside. Instead of just taking a handful of pairs, Alana and I went through the whole bin, selecting only the very best pairs with the rarest colors. Just
describing the color is a challenge, wearing them however will not be!

Because of the work involved with cleaning and drilling souffle pearls, these will be coming after the Mother's Day rush. I'll have some stunning 12-14mm metallic souffle earrings, as well as some great single souffle pearl pendants - some close to 20mm!

I actually had a large collection of
"fireball" pearls from Sept. 2013, that I just never found the time to work with. These pearls have great shape, luster and color - perfect for pendants and earrings.

As always with the specialty items, I'll be offering these to blog subscribers and Facebook Fans on a first come first serve basis. I'll be aiming for a Monday morning release of the first batch and will continue to release items through the month of May - all 20% off!